1. Etiquette with the Quran :
Author: Abū Zakariyyā Yaḥyá al-Nawawī ; translation, introduction and notes by Musa Furber ; foreword by Nuh Ha Mim Keller.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Qurʼan-- Ethics.,Qurʼan-- Recitation.,Qurʼan-- Study and teaching,Qurʼan.,Education.,Ethics.,Islamisk etik.,Koranen-- studier och undervisning.,Koranläsningar.
Classification :

2. Kur'an - i Kerimin Uslub Ve Kiraati = Le Style Et la Lecture Du Kuran
Author: / M. Tayyib Okic
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Qurʼan -- Recitation.,Qurʼan -- Language, style, قرآن -- تجوید,قرآن -- مسائل لغوی
Classification :

3. Tajweed Qurʼan /
Author: with meaning translation in English by Abdyllah Yusuf Ali ; & transliteration by Dr. Eng. Subhi Taha.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Qurʼan-- Recitation.,Qurʼan.

4. The art of reciting the Qur'an /
Author: Kristina Nelson.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Qurʼan-- Recitation.,Qurʼan.,Islamic music-- Egypt.,Cantilenen.,Islamic music.,Koran.,Koranrezitation,Qurʼanrezitation.,RELIGION-- Islam-- Koran & Sacred Writings.,Egypt., 7
Classification :

5. The character of the bearers of the Qur'an =
Author: by Iman Abu Bakr Muhammad b. al-Husayn al-Ajurri (d. 360 H) ; translation, Usama Hasan, under the supervision of Shaykh Suhaib Hasan.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Qurʼan-- Hermeneutics.,Qurʼan-- Recitation,Qurʼan.,Hermeneutics.

6. Women, the recited Qur'an, and Islamic music in Indonesia
Author: Anne K Rasmussen
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Women in Islam > Indonesia ***** Muslim women > Indonesia > Social conditions ***** Qurʼan > Recitation ***** Islamic music > Indonesia > History and criticism *****